
Haunting Stories with an Occult Twist by Nona Limmen

There’s not a lot of magic to be found in the Dutch landscape. No dense forests, no sinister mountain ranges and no deep, dark caves. Fortunately there are artists in the Netherlands who don’t need all of that, and just add magic to the bleak scenery themselves. One of those artists is Amsterdam based photographer Nona Limmen. With her haunting photography, she tells stories with an occult twist. When Nona was a young girl, she fantasized about becoming an archeologist: traveling far and discovering places nobody had seen before. Although archaeology isn’t the career Nona pursued, the dream of discovering the mysterious unknown is something visible in her photography. In her work, Nona creates haunting landscapes and introduces us to their mysterious inhabitants. Her fascination for mythology and the occult seeps through in the appearance of the models, showing them crowned, cloaked and veiled.

The analog approach to photography adds another layer of mystery: the grain, multifaceted lenses and blurs make you feel almost like a voyeur, like you’re blessed to get a fast glimpse at something magical, something nobody has seen before. Could it be that Nona did become an archeologist and these worlds do exist? Take a look at her beautiful work and decide for yourself! If you’d like to learn more about Nona’s work make sure to check out this interview. Nona also has a beautiful shop on Etsy where you can buy prints, phone cases and framed photos.

Haunting stories with an occult twist by Nona Limmen

Haunting stories with an occult twist by Nona Limmen

Haunting stories with an occult twist by Nona Limmen

Haunting stories with an occult twist by Nona Limmen

Haunting stories with an occult twist by Nona Limmen

Haunting stories with an occult twist by Nona Limmen

Haunting stories with an occult twist by Nona Limmen

Haunting stories with an occult twist by Nona Limmen

Haunting stories with an occult twist by Nona Limmen

Haunting stories with an occult twist by Nona Limmen

Haunting stories with an occult twist by Nona Limmen

Haunting stories with an occult twist by Nona Limmen

Haunting stories with an occult twist by Nona Limmen

Haunting stories with an occult twist by Nona Limmen


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