
Is there a good time for money ratio when selling your artwork?

Rose Freymuth-Frazier-mentorme march

MentorMe is a free resource for creatives who wish to learn from their peers. This Q&A resource provides insights into advice for the rise of social media and its impact on sales, the time for money ratio, and challenges in living off your art. In each guide a different group of artists and photographers will share their insights, personal experiences and advice with creatives that wish to grow and evolve in their artistic practice.

Beautiful Bizarre Magazine mentors encourage, guide and inspire emerging artists as they explore their creativity, develop their technical skills and find their personal style.

MentorMe Edition 6 Mentors:

Ryan Heshka, Kate BerginDULK, Kristen Liu-WongVictor GrassoAdrienne SteinChris GuestRose Freymuth-Frazier, and Crystal Morey

In Edition 6 Beautiful Bizarre Magazine’s Mentors respond to the following 3 questions:

  • Has the rise of social media and the internet affected your practice and sales for better or for worse?
  • Does the amount of time you spend on an artwork reflect in its price? Is there a good time for money ratio?
  • What are some of the greatest challenges you’ve encountered trying to make a living off your art?

Below 3 of the 9 mentors respond to the following question:

Does the amount of time you spend on an artwork reflect in its price? Is there a good time for money ratio?

DULK-MentorMe March-Melting Panda  Does the amount of time you spend on an artwork reflect in its price? Is there a good time for money ratio?

Does the amount of time you spend on an artwork reflect in its price? Is there a good time for money ratio?

DULK: The price of an artwork depends on the size and also the artist cache. Also, the time that everyone spends with an artwork affects the price, because the same size could have a little bit different price depending of the details of the piece. This translates as: more detailed, more time spent.

In my case, I think I have a good ratio of time/money because for me it’s worth every minute I spend with remember every canvas and mural I painted ever because every one has a story that I would like to tell.

Rose Freymuth-Frazier mentorme march -Does the amount of time you spend on an artwork reflect in its price? Is there a good time for money ratio?

Does the amount of time you spend on an artwork reflect in its price? Is there a good time for money ratio?

Rose Freymuth-Frazier: My paintings are priced more or less by size but they take a lot of time and effort. Just because something is smaller or larger doesn’t necessarily mean there will be a direct size/price ratio.

Adrienne Stein-Persephone-mentorme march - Does the amount of time you spend on an artwork reflect in its price? Is there a good time for money ratio?

Does the amount of time you spend on an artwork reflect in its price? Is there a good time for money ratio?

Adrienne Stein: I price my work by the square inch because it is a good objective way to price paintings and usually the amount of time I spend on it is determined by the size anyway.

To read the other Mentors’ answers to this question or any other in Edition 6 please click here to download our FREE Artist Resource, MentorMe.


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