It’s not just about winning; plenty of Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize finalists have also enjoyed a boost to their careers!
Each year, the Editor-in-Chief of Beautiful Bizarre Magazine and the team review all entries submitted to the Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize. From here, 140 entries are short-listed as Finalists [25 per Award category: Digital Art, Photography, Sculpture; 50 from the Traditional Art Award category; and 15 from the Emerging Art Award category]. The esteemed Jury Panel, which changes each year, then reviews each Finalist’s work and practice, and casts their vote. From these votes the Winners in each Award category and the overall Musonium Grand Prize Winner are selected.
2024 Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize Award categories:
- RAYMAR Traditional Art Award
- Yasha Young Projects Sculpture Award
- Photography Award
- Digital Art Award
- 33PA Emerging Artist Award
As well as being celebrated on our social media and website, the Finalists are also automatically entered to win the Catherine K. Gyllerstrom People’s Choice Award. This is the chance for you, our AMAZING community, to have YOUR say, and vote for the work that you feel deserves to win this prestigious award. Voting opens in August after the Finalists are announced.
$65,000 USD in Cash & Prizes to be won + plus receive global exposure for your practice!
Many entries, and of course the Finalists’ works, are shared on the Beautiful Bizarre Magazine socials and website over the year – so don’t miss your opportunity to get your work in front of our Editor-in-Chief, and see it shared with our 1 million + social media community – enter today!
Success Stories
Previous Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize Finalists have shared their progress stories with us, and we want to celebrate these achievements. So why not take a few minutes out to discover what some of the 2023 Finalists have been up to since last year’s event.
Lauren Starr
“Being a finalist in the 2023 Photography Category was a bucket list moment for me. Even more importantly, the story around my piece, “Ellen Randell Dreams of Wattle,” reached and touched more people than I could have imagined. Ellen’s story is so important for people to experience and I couldn’t be happier. Since that moment, I’ve had a solo show, was invited to give a Ted x talk, and have just signed with Grainger Gallery in Canberra, who saw my finalist image.
I love knowing that the seeds we plant, by continuing to show up and keep risking, sprout and bear fruit – sometimes long after we planted them. I’m grateful to be surrounded by the Beautiful Bizarre Community, and wish everyone luck with their entries this year.“

Natalie Featherston
“Having my work chosen as a finalist for the Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize has significantly increased my exposure on social media, which has led to wonderful new opportunities. I’ve gained a bunch of new followers, and as a result have seen an uptick in sales over the past year.
I’ve been invited to do several podcasts with an international audience, had a major art magazine reach out to me to do a feature article, and even had a puzzle company ask to showcase my work as one of their offerings. I really value the support from Beautiful Bizarre in getting my work out there to share with others.“

Noah Norrid
Since being selected as a Finalist, I’ve seen a pretty dramatic up-tic in interest from private art collectors as well as gallery engagements. I have three group shows on the calendar for 2024 – two of which are at new galleries, and my production schedule is filled with commissions.
The professional recognition that followed was also significant and I’ve had some comments and feedback from other artists that have given me considerable encouragement. As well, the competition itself gave my work the opportunity to be seen alongside my contemporaries, which was rewarding in and of itself. Big thanks to Beautiful Bizarre Magazine and their annual art contest for this amazing exposure!“

Liubov Danilova
“I am a beginner artist and I don’t have an audience yet, but when I applied last year, I had only one thought: “If they notice me, then I’m drawing for a reason.”
A beginner artist is always tormented by doubts about themself and the necessity of their work, especially now A.I. produces so many pictures and the viewer is tired of so much content. During this year, I drew a lot and improved my skills, and continued to communicate with some of the participants in the Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize from last year. Your magazine is a constant source of inspiration; many thanks to you and the whole team! Especially in these difficult years, when there is war in my country and worrying about my loved ones and friends, I am in this horror every day. Often one gives up and has no strength to draw, but creativity helps and heals.“

Virginie Gribouilli
“Since my sculpture ‘Deer, Osseus Spiritus’ was selected as a finalist for the Yasha Young Projects Sculpture Award, I have been contacted by the Quirky Fox Gallery in New Zealand, who offered me the chance to take part in their “Rx” exhibition, which will take place on July 15, 2024. I also entered into collaboration with the Dark Art Movement created by the Macabre Gallery, and I won the first prize at a local exhibition in France. This gave me the opportunity to be the guest of honour at this year’s event. I was also selected to be published in Infected by Art volume 12. More and more collectors are buying my work and my audience is growing.
“I’m delighted with the exposure and encounters I’ve had this year thanks to this prize and I’m just as keen to take part year after year!”

Lesley Thiel
“I have spent the year developing my ideas, and painting. I have got to the point where the pieces are now going to galleries, and one sold within 24 hours because it was featured in Beautiful Bizarre Magazine.
I also have been invited to two group shows, thanks to Beautiful Bizarre Magazine.”

Lily Litton
“Becoming a finalist has opened new doors for my creativity. I’ve been leading projects that reflect my vision, highlighting fun and elaborate set designs I’ve created myself. Some of my latest work was displayed at The Trampery gallery in London, which was an incredible experience. The positive feedback from the competition has inspired me to explore the unique, beautiful and bizarre aspects of my photoshoots even further. I’m excited about the new shoots I’m preparing to share. Stay tuned for more!”

Above full photo credits: ‘Surreal Sky’s’: Model: Jasmine Jackson with @castawaymodelmanagement, Brand / Fashion / Creative Director: Bam-Bam, MUA: Azyzah, Hair stylist: Jane Arkhipova, Face Jewellery: Naula, Rings: Tukii Tukii, Shoes: Jackalopeland.
‘Origami Dreamscapes’: Photographer: @lilylytton_photography, Creative studio: @dcc.studios, Model: @ella.judge.portfolio, Wardrobe: @minjikimstudio @myahhasbany, Painted backdrop: @mgjlawrence.
Georgia Loring
Last year I was thrilled to be a finalist in the Beautiful Bizarre Emerging Artist Award, an honour and accolade to receive in my short time painting and the highlight of my art career to date.
Becoming a finalist increased not only the exposure of my work but also the demand; I’m delighted that all but one of my available paintings have sold since becoming a finalist.
Since that time, my art has been featured in two online exhibitions with Almenara and Heart to Art and has been published in a printed art book.
I am currently working on a number of new paintings and the experience with Beautiful Bizarre has given me the confidence and encouragement to develop my artistic themes and create works that resonate with others.

Dave Arredondo
“Becoming a finalist has ignited a remarkable journey in my life as an artist in New York. The recognition has opened doors to other opportunities, traveling to cities like Mexico City, Tulum, Miami, Tokyo, and Seoul, as well as preparing the pavement to create a completely new collection. I have been busy documenting my process, capturing every stroke and inspiration, with the intention of sharing it on YouTube. I hope to offer insight and guidance to aspiring artists navigating the intricate world of fine art.
The prospect of reaching a broader audience and potentially inspiring others fills me with both excitement and a sense of responsibility to give back to the creative community that has supported me on this journey.”

Studio RacHell Post
“Since being a Finalist, I have gained many new clients and also made contact with some galleries worldwide. I continue my creation with a focus on the darkness in the borderland between reality and fiction. The nomination gave me a push forward but also a chance to show my works to a larger audience. I look forward to next year’s competition, in which I will, of course, participate.”

Anna Wypych
“I have continued my “Red” series, which brought me a lot of popularity as well as joy and satisfaction. I’ve painted four new paintings with my favourite red and black colour mixture! Additionally, I’ve taken part in several prestigious exhibitions, including: The Meam Museum, Barcelona, Spain, and Zacheta, National Gallery of Art in Warsaw, Poland. I’ve started a year-long project working at the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdansk, Poland, and finally, I have also been invited to be a curator in a prestigious exhibition in the USA!”

“Getting onto the finalist list encouraged me to work more on my craft. I’ve submitted my artwork to the next one, hopefully to become a winner in the competition. Beside that, I applied to an artist residency and got accepted, so I’m starting to prepare my first ever solo show in San Francisco in October this year!
“Additionally, seeing other finalists’ and the winners’ artwork has inspired me to push more and work on the concept and continuation of my art journey. It is very exciting to be part of this community and I can’t wait to show the world what I will be creating! I hope I can share my artwork to more audiences, and this platform really helped and encouraged me more.”

Chris Hynes
“Since becoming a finalist in the Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize I have witnessed substantial interest in my work.
“I was invited to exhibit in an international art exhibition in Doha, Qatar with thirty other artists in a world class event. I am so thankful for the opportunity that the Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize has provided in launching my career onto the international stage, and I look forward to growing as an artist through the inspiration of the many talented people I have had the honour of meeting.”

Kaysha Siemens
“There have been lots of exciting developments since being a Traditional Art category finalist. My finalist piece went on to win the Artists’ Choice Award in the Dragon Con Art Show in Atlanta, and later found a collector at the IX Arts show in Reading PA, where the congratulations from my peers on making the BB finalist list were constant and incredibly affirming.
“I have a number of new oil pieces in the same mythological/folkloric vein in the works: Vasilisa, Athena, Medea, and Theseus to name a few; hopefully at least one will be completed in time to enter in this year’s BB Art Prize! Additionally, I have put a lot of hours over winter into a new body of work in egg tempera, a medium I have been using since I was a teen, but am just recently really pushing to fuller potential. These pieces are very different – large scale skies and clouds, not a figure in sight – but they’re satisfying the same pursuit of the sublime in my work, and connecting with a new and different audience.
Finally, I am incredibly excited to say I’ll be making an appearance at San Diego Comic Con this year: I won a sponsorship with the Kevin Workman Foundation, and will be showing my work in a solo booth neighboring theirs on the show floor. It will be my first time at SDCC and I’m so excited for how many people I will get to meet!”

Interested in joining the Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize Hall of Fame?
$65,000 USD in cash and prizes to be won