

The Inaugural Beautiful Bizarre Magazine Art Prize 2018


Sponsored by Trekell Art Supplies

Entries have now closed. Thank you to all the artists that entered! Judging has commenced and finalists and winners will be notified in the 2nd week of July.

The Beautiful Bizarre Magazine Art Prize provides an opportunity for traditional 2D + 3D artists to participate in the prestigious annual Beautiful Bizarre Magazine curated exhibition, win cash prizes, amazing Trekell prize packs, and most importantly receive worldwide exposure!  We welcome entries from all artists working in the mediums of: Painting, Drawing, and Sculpture [including embroidery and art dolls].

Entry Criteria

  • Only 2D & 3D Traditional art accepted:
    • including Painting, Drawing and Sculpture [incl. art dolls & embroidery art]
  • Maximum of 10 entries per artist.
  • This is a non-acquisitive art prize.
  • Works previously exhibited and published elsewhere are accepted.
  • Enter the Beautiful Bizarre Magazine Art Prize by completing the (sorry, entries have now closed).
    • Submit your best original work from your existing portfolio [there is no need to create a new/original work to enter unless you wish to] this is the work you will be judged on, please ensure the file is clear and represents your work in the best possible light – [file size: no larger than 1 mb, File name: Artist Name_Artwork Title]
    • Provide the Artwork details: Title, Year, Materials, Dimensions
    • Provide a brief 200-word bio about you and your practice, including the URL to your main web presence eg. website or Instagram.
  • Entry Fee: US$40
  • Winners will be required to agree to the terms of the Modern Eden Gallery consignment contract to participate in the exhibition
  • Winners will be required to produce an original work in-keeping with the theme ‘Ephemeral’, to be completed and delivered to Modern Eden Gallery by 5 September 2018.
  • Entries close midnight 30 June 2018 [AEDT]

Entries have now closed. Thank you to all the artists that entered! Judging has commenced and finalists and winners will be notified in the 2nd week of July.

Image courtesy of Rogue + Wolf, showing the cover of Beautiful Bizarre Magazine issue 020 featuring Del Kathryn Barton’s work, “Come of Things (diptych detail), 2010.


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