Robert Steven Connett is a member of the Beautiful Bizarre Artist Directory
Robert Steven Connett is a self-taught artist currently working in Los Angeles California. His beautifully realized visions of an unseen world teeming with vibrant and complex lifeforms, opens windows into a universe that we rarely contemplate.

Microscopic biological phenomena of the natural world, both flora and fauna, and particularly that of oceanic origins, provides Robert with bountiful inspirations. His colorful imagination ensures his creations rise above the natural and inhabit a sphere somewhere between the familiar and the extraordinary.
Robert masterfully brings a sumptuous and bizarre underworld into existence.

Since he was a child, Robert Steven Connett was fascinated by nature. And not just any type of nature, but the tiny worlds that quietly exist without being discovered. The creatures that thrive under rocks and under microscopes was his fascination. This perhaps explains the self-taught painter’s equally fascinating worlds he conjures in painstaking detail.

These “underworlds,” as Robert describes them, are often comprised of densely populated organisms. Some look like a droplet of seawater under a microscope. Others resemble a Where’s Waldo version of our amazing animal kingdom. Any could be a small square of Hieronymus Bosch’s “The Garden of Earthly Delights,” magnified hundreds of times.

The organisms are a combination of accurate depictions based on scientific observation, as well as plucked from the artist’s own mind.

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