
Modern Eden Gallery Presents Primary Hughes’ Re-Emergent

Nestle your thoughts into the spectral wave of gemstone colors and join Modern Eden Gallery this weekend as they celebrate Steven Hughes aka Primary Hughes’ Re-Emergent solo exhibition! Vibrant compositions tether the artist’s vision and we are at once captivated by the expansion of ideation and complex construction of identity he awakens in his muse. As each amorous gaze melts within abstract patterns like a neon sunset on the edge of the horizon, femininity and strength collide.

Mark your calendars and don’t miss Primary Hughes’ Re-Emergent stunning new body of work. Take a trip down memory lane and see past and present exhibitions as well as all available inventory by visiting Modern Eden Gallery’s website.

Modern Eden Gallery Press Release //

We are excited to present the second gallery solo exhibition by Primary Hughes, Re-Emergent. A follow up to 2020’s Emergent, Hughes continues his exploration where a separation between elements ends. The formal transitions occurring to blend the feminine and curvi-linear subjects reveal similarities that imbue the human portraiture with corresponding layers of depth. Built upon the sometimes-blurred edges of distinction, the work strikes at a place between communication and ambiguity, where the viewer can feel a story beginning to coalesce.

In Re-Emergent, colors dance, forms intertwine. The ‘Re-Emergent’ paintings of Primary Hughes continue to explore the liminal space between clarity and intrigue, beckoning viewers to enter into the narrative unfolding. Through layered transitions and melding of form, the feminine subjects are woven into abstraction. The interplay of color and shape creates a tapestry that unfurls its meaning long after the viewing.

Primary Hughes’ Re-Emergent

Opening Reception:  Saturday, September 9, 2023 | 6-9 pm

Exhibition Dates: September 9 – October 5, 2023

Modern Eden Gallery

1100 Sutter Street | San Francisco, CA 94109

For press inquiries or sales, please contact Modern Eden Gallery Director Kim Larson at [email protected] | General Information, please email [email protected]

Phone: (415) 956-3303 

Wednesday–Saturday, 12–5 pm

Private artwork viewing appointments are available

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

Primary Hughes Social Media Accounts

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

About Author

Internationally exhibited artist and creator of Wooden Ophelia, Bella Harris is not only the Online Editor at Beautiful Bizarre Magazine, she also oversees all staff writers and helps support website functionality and development. As a contributing writer for the website, active copy editor, and editorial photographer, she plays a vital role in the growth of Beautiful Bizarre Magazine while working closely with advertisers and artists. Wooden Ophelia is a contemporary collection of original moon designs, handmade woodwork, artwork furnishings, and sacred crystals... all to enchant your home.


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