
The Dark Art Emporium: Karikatura, “Emotional Landscapes” & “My Inner Monster” Group Show

Join The Dark Art Emporium in celebration of two exciting exhibitions: Karikatura, “Emotional Landscapes” & “My Inner Monster”, a DAE Friends Group Show! Emphasizing a dark subject matter, surreal pastel narratives and hybrid creatures come to life with every delicious turn and compositional juxtaposition. We embark further into the unknown creative mind of the artist’s individual style, perspective, and endless interpretive possibilities. Misty meadows, candy land demons, and a tooth fairy like you’ve never seen.. let us wander further and enjoy each collection in their entirety by visiting The Dark Art Emporium website!

Time travel and see previous exhibitions – view available artworks by visiting their website! If you haven’t discovered The Art Pit DAE Podcast, now’s the time. The Jeremys (as in Jeremy Schott – Owner and Jeremy Cross – Assistant Director) discuss all things art, music, movies, and more. Episodes are available to stream using Soundcloud via The Dark Art Emporium website or their YouTube channel.

Karikatura, “Emotional Landscapes” & “My Inner Monster” Friends Group Show

Opening Reception: Saturday, September 2, 2023 | 5-9pm

The Dark Art Emporium

121 W. 4th Street, Long Beach, California 90802

Friday & Saturday 12 – 7pm | Sunday 12 – 5pm

Located in Downtown Long Beach within The 4th Horseman

For additional information and purchase availability please contact [email protected]

Karikatura, “Emotional Landscapes”

Karina AKA “Karikatura” hails from Guadalajara, México and is a master of retaining a very clear visual aesthetic throughout every medium she uses. Her visions are equal parts adorable and haunted. While we are drawn in by fluffy and alluring facades we can sense that there is something dangerous there as well, or often vice-versa!

With her solo show “Emotional Landscapes” we see her explore her universe at depth.

Emotional Landscapes” Focuses on the creation of different landscapes, and creatures that transmit the duality of life, feelings such as sadness, joy, fear, love, tranquility, anxiety, and others. They coexist on the same stage trying to communicate and create a dialogue between the work and the viewer.


With such a clear aesthetic, we also wanted to see who Karina would pull together for a group show that supported her own solo. (No small task!) and Karina did not disappoint!

The Nightmare
Karikatura-surreal-the dark art emporium
The Hill Of Despair
The Green Queen

“My Inner Monster” The Dark Art Emporium Friends Group Show

With “My Inner Monster” I invited some artist friends that I admire they have different Styles, and are from different parts of the world, such as Mexico, Argentina and the US, “My Inner  Monster” is about expressing your fears, anger, sadness, all those emotions that are part of our shadow, and it is not very comfortable to see, or show, but that is in all people.

Jeremy Cross, The Dart Art Emporium Gallery Director
Patrick Thai
The Fall
Secreto Rebollo

The Dark Art Emporium Social Media Accounts

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About Author

Internationally exhibited artist and creator of Wooden Ophelia, Bella Harris is not only the Online Editor at Beautiful Bizarre Magazine, she also oversees all staff writers and helps support website functionality and development. As a contributing writer for the website, active copy editor, and editorial photographer, she plays a vital role in the growth of Beautiful Bizarre Magazine while working closely with advertisers and artists. Wooden Ophelia is a contemporary collection of original moon designs, handmade woodwork, artwork furnishings, and sacred crystals... all to enchant your home.


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