
December Solo Exhibitions + Little Big VI @ Haven Gallery

With only a few weeks left in 2021, now is the time to celebrate that which brings us happiness and show our appreciation and gratitude for moments of the past as they lead us into the future. If art is on your joyful list then join Haven Gallery in celebration of new exhibitions by Thomas Ascott, Stan Manoukian, Yoko d’Holbachie, and Larysa Bernhardt. Also opening is Little Big VI Small Works group exhibition that’s sure to deliver smiles.

Little Big Exhibiting Artists // Camilla d’Errico, Kate Gamb, Andi Soto, Daria Theodora, Valency Genis, Aniela Sobieki, Tom Bagshaw, Sarah Finnigan, Teagan White, Anjipan, Laverinne, Alexis Savopoulos, Meagan Magpie Rodgers, Valerie Saverie, Sean Mahan, Candie Bolton, Hitomi Aoki, Ronald Companoca, Flor Padilla, Nikole Cooney, Yuriko Shirou, Naoto Hattori, Marta Wit, C7, Jeff Echevarria, Dolce Paganne, Phoenix Chan, Zoe Thomas, Hannah Flowers, Nicole Grosjean, Steeven Salvat, Marmaduke Davenport, Sen, Jody Fallon, Paige Carpenter, Nicoletta Tomas, Nikolas Tower, Bill Mayer. 

Thomas Ascott, Stan Manoukian, Yoko d’Holbachie, Larysa Bernhardt + Little Big VI Small Works Group Exhibition

Opening Reception: Saturday, December 18, 2021

Exhibition Dates: December 18, 2021 – January 16, 2022

90 Main St., | Northport, NY 11768 | (631) 757-0500

To inquire, please contact Erica via email [email protected]

Thomas Ascott

Stan Manoukian

Yoko d’Holbachie, “Dreaming Forest”

Larysa Bernhardt, “Hortus Conclusus” 

Hortus conclusus literally translates as an enclosed garden, but it’s much more than that. Sacred spot, a place reserved for initiated, separate from everyday reality, a garden of sublime delights, a retreat from cares – its a safe heaven for all who needs it. I envisioned modern day Arcadia, Garden of Eden, and although I populated it with mythological creatures and friendly, gentle animals it is still very much a human space, a quiet retreat for souls who need an escape from crushing world we forced to live in. It’s a place of gentle illusion and harmless humor, fireflies in warm summer evenings, dancing under the sheltering canopies of old trees with bare feet touching soft moss and hair touched by moonlight. Place where art of conversation wasn’t lost forever and reason still prevails over impulse.

Textiles I used for telling my story are results of years of passionate collecting. Some vintage and some antique, they come from many corners of the world to create a tale of Hortus conclusus, allegory for a world as it could be if our dreams would come true.

Little Big VI Small Works Group Exhibition

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About Author

Internationally exhibited artist and creator of Wooden Ophelia, Bella Harris is not only the Online Editor at Beautiful Bizarre Magazine, she also oversees all staff writers and helps support website functionality and development. As a contributing writer for the website, active copy editor, and editorial photographer, she plays a vital role in the growth of Beautiful Bizarre Magazine while working closely with advertisers and artists. Wooden Ophelia is a contemporary collection of original moon designs, handmade woodwork, artwork furnishings, and sacred crystals... all to enchant your home.


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