Nasim Pachi is a member of the Beautiful Bizarre Artist Directory
Nasim Pachi is an international contemporary painter whose work confronts culture, religion and the restrictions they impose, particularly on women.

Her monumental canvases are richly detailed, contrasting the female form with intricate patterns of fabric or mosaics. Their enticing aesthetic draws in the viewer until we are forced to reflect on the importance of choice and individuality amid the complex rules of society.
Originally from Iran, Pachi studied in Germany and has lived and worked in Europe, West Africa and Southeast Asia. Her experience has revealed that people and their actions are as complicated beyond Iran’s borders as inside of them. Her paintings investigate this, encouraging both artist and viewer to reframe their own identity in a global context.

Nasim’s art has been internationally exhibited. She received both her Bachelor and Masters of Arts in Illustration from HAW University Hamburg, Germany.
Nasim lives and works currently in Hong Kong.
Nasim Pachi’s journey through life, from growing up in Iran, studying abroad and living in various countries, has given her different perspectives and fueled her creativity.

Experiencing new cultures and societies has inspired her to investigate and reflect on her own identity. Her art challenges viewers by the contrasts that she presents, often through richly layered portraits that delve into themes of freedom, identity, and gender.
She explores the complexities of personal identity, often juxtaposing cultural patterns with bare female form and faceless figures to provoke thought on these themes.
Bare bodies in her art represent natural harmony and freedom. Her preferred medium is smooth linen or canvas, where she can apply acrylic for patterns and oil for skin tones.