Noar Lee Naggan is a member of the Beautiful Bizarre Artist Directory
An artist of multiple disciplines living in Scotland, Noar Lee Naggan has worked in animation, graphic design, web design, and illustration. Chiefly interested in telling stories through his art, Noar aspires to one day write his own books and illustrate them.

Nowadays Noar has also started moving towards the world of fine art painting/drawing.
Grimm fairytales, Jewish folklore and mysticism, tarot cards magic, scary old nursery rhymes, all are themes that pop up in Noar’s work, time and again.

Noar Lee Naggan was born in Israel and discovered Jan Van Eyck’s work there, and then, moving to America, he fell in love with the magical realism of Grant Wood. These two had the strongest influence on his work.

Inspired by nature and motivated by music, Noar tends to be drawn to fine details and rustic textures, and quite obsessed with digging up images from the underground labyrinth of his childhood fears/dreams.

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