
Judging the 2021 Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize has not been easy for our Jury Panel. Once again, we received many excellent entries from countries all over the world. So many, in fact, that this year we haven expanded from 25 Finalists in this category to 35! We are thrilled to see all the unique, moving and inspiring artwork across a wide range of styles and mediums.

Our sincere thanks to all the artists that took the time to enter this year, we understand it has been tough year, with the ongoing stress and anxiety caused by the global pandemic!

Judging the 2021 Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize has not been easy for our Jury Panel with so many excellent entries from countries all over the world.

Last but not least, however, we can’t wait to present to you the RAYMAR Traditional Art Award Finalists below! You can take also a peek at the Yasha Young Projects Sculpture Award Finalists here, the INPRNT Photography Award Finalists here, and the iCanvas Digital Art Award Finalists here.

From the 110 Finalists, the Winners in each category and the overall 1st Prize Winner will participate in the prestigious Beautiful Bizarre Magazine curated exhibition at Haven Gallery, alongside 70+ of the best contemporary artists from around the world. Additionally, the Winners will share in over USD$45,000 in cash and prizes including: a non acquisitive cash prize, product prizes, advertising packages, editorial in Beautiful Bizarre Magazine, exclusive interviews published on the Beautiful Bizarre website, exposure to our 1 million+ social media community, and much more!!

The overall Winner and the Winners [1st, 2nd and 3rd Prize] in each Award category will be announced during the week of 1st September. You can take a peek at all of the prizes for each Award category, and for the Winner of the 2021 Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize here.

Honourable Mentions

In addition, each of this year’s amazing sponsors will choose one outstanding work from their Award category to receive an Honourable Mention. Stay tuned to learn more!

People’s Choice Award Voting

The People’s Choice winner will be selected by popular vote from the 110 Finalists, and will receive a year’s worth of social media advertising through the Beautiful Bizarre Magazine socials to ensure they are able to connect with the right audience of engaged creatives, collectors and gallerists, raise their profile, associate their work with other leading creatives, and of course to grow their social media following. A 12 month Beautiful Bizarre Magazine print subscription, and an in-depth interview published on the Beautiful Bizarre Magazine and Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize websites, giving readers an insight into their vision and practice. Voting will open on 24 August. To ensure you don’t miss your chance to vote, please join our email mailing list here.

RAYMAR Traditional Art Award

Winner will receive:

  • $3,000 cash, generously donated by sponsor RAYMAR, creators of the finest panels! Panels are their passion. They craft their panels with the world’s finest materials to serve as the foundation for your artwork. 
  • $1,500 cash, generously donated by SmArt School, providing superior online art mentorships since 2011, where you learn from professional artists. 
  • Receive a beautiful, specially commissioned glass art award trophy
  • The opportunity to exhibit in the prestigious Beautiful Bizarre Magazine exhibition at Haven Gallery [Long Island, New York] alongside 70+ of the world’s best contemporary representational artists
  • Exposure to a successful commercial gallery’s collector base with the opportunity to sell their work
  • US$500 worth of Gift Certificates from Trekell Art Supplies, makers of some of the finest art supplies for artists of all levels.
  • 3 month social media advertising package (Beautiful Bizarre Magazine: 1 million+ followers across all social platforms)
  • Exclusive in-depth interview published on the Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize and Beautiful Bizarre Magazine websites + shared on social media
  • A year’s worth of inspiration – a print subscription to Beautiful Bizarre Magazine
  • + most importantly, receive worldwide exposure!

2nd and 3rd prize winners will receive:

  • The opportunity to exhibit in the prestigious Beautiful Bizarre Magazine exhibition at Haven Gallery [Long Island, New York] alongside 70+ of the world’s best contemporary representational artists
  • Exposure to a successful commercial gallery’s collector base with the opportunity to sell their work
  • 2nd Prize – US$250 Gift Certificates from Trekell Art Supplies, makers of some of the finest art supplies for artists of all levels.
  • 3rd Prize – US$150 Gift Certificates from Trekell Art Supplies, makers of some of the finest art supplies for artists of all levels.
  • A year’s worth of inspiration – a print subscription to Beautiful Bizarre Magazine
  • An exclusive in-depth interview published on the Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize and Beautiful Bizarre Magazine websites.
  • + most importantly, receive worldwide exposure!

So without further ado we are proud to announce the 35 RAYMAR Traditional Art Award Finalists of the 2021 Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize…

RAYMAR Traditional Art Award Finalists

2021 Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize

Daria Mart
Portrait of a Doll (Oil on wood panel)
Anne Marie Zanetti
Florescentia (Oil on linen)
Gina Pfleegor
Plot Twist (oil paint on panel)
Andie Taylor
Restoration (Oil on Canvas (triptych))
Chie Yoshii
Encounter (Oil on Canvas)
Maryam Gohar
Betrothal (شیرینی خوران) (Watercolor and acrylics on watercolor paper)
Alexandre Clair
Self portrait with Kompot (Oil on cardboard)
Henrik Uldalen
Abrade (Oil on canvas)
Angela Gram
Murmuration (Oil on linen)
Ed Binkley
Evening Ascending (Colored pencil)
Lavely Miller
God Shot Me in the Face and Then I Saw (Acrylic on paper on canvas)
Gigi Chen
A Grand Debut (Acrylic on Wood Panel)
Ernest Vincent Wood III
Come Forth (Oil on linen)
Maya Fuji
Chrysanthemum Season (Acrylic & gouache on wood panel)
Janna Art
Amulet of the World (Acrylic on canvas)
Maudy Aferink
Mylo (Oil on linen)
Roland Mikhail
Memory’s Descent (Airbrushed Acrylic on Wood Panel)
Lix North
Tactician (Oil Paint on Aluminium Composite Material)
Alexandra Manukyan
Through Heart of Grace (Oil on Belgian Linen)
Tran Nguyen
Star Collectors (acrylic and colored pencil on watercolor paper)
Nadine Robbins
Just Try and Stop Me (Oil on linen)
Kseniia Boko
The Heart of the Tree (Oil on Wooden Panel)
Viktorya Nare Karapetyan
Intuition (Oil on linen)
Jon Ching
Mother Mycelium (Oil on wood)
Rosso Emerald Crimsom
La Roja, La Morena (oil, silver leaf, pastel on wood panel)
Olivia Di Gregorio
Carnivore Among the Sundew (Oil paint on wood panel)
Pablo Santibañez
Scriptorium (Oil on canvas)
Sharon England
North Head Warrior (Watercolour and acrylic on Arches Watercolour paper)
Grace Netanya
Medea (Graphite, Charcoal, Marker, Colored Pencil)
Sara Gallagher
Outside (Graphite on paper)
Lo Chan Peng
The Plague Doctor (Oil on canvas)
Jason Mowry
The nudge, the touch, and a whisper (Watercolor and Gouache)
Hiroshi Hayakawa
Vanitas 25 (Graphite and colored pencils on paper)
Tania Rivilis
I Came Here With No Expectations, Only To Profess (oil on pressed wooden panels)
Stephanie Rew
Narcissus (Oil, egg tempera, gold leaf and optical lens on panel)

The 2021 Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize
is proudly sponsored by


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About Author

Danijela Krha Purssey is an entrepreneur, and the Editor-in-Chief and Co-Founder of Australian based international contemporary art magazine, Beautiful Bizarre Magazine. She is deeply passionate and committed to her vision to help shift the paradigm in the global contemporary arts industry regarding what is defined and accepted as contemporary art.


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