
Ransom & Mitchell @ Vanilla Gallery

This spring, during Japanese Cherry Blossoms Festival, Ransom & Mitchell (featured in beautiful.bizarre Issue 007) are going to present their first solo exhibition in Japan at Vanilla Gallery (in Ginza, Tokyo). In a way, we can see this exhibition as two concurrent shows, hosted in two different rooms inside of the gallery. In one of the rooms, we can view the artists’ retrospective exhibition featuring their works from 2009 to 2014. And, in the other room, we can view their “Rough and Ready Sideshow” series, that now includes two brand new images created exclusively for their solo show at Vanilla Gallery: “The Darklings” and “Miss Heady L’Amour“.

お花見の季節のこの春、ランサム&ミッチェル(ビューティフル・ビザー7号にて特集されています)が日本では初の個展をヴァニラ画廊(東京 銀座にて開催)にて開きます。今回の展示会では2種類の異なる展示物を同時に鑑賞することができます。1つ目の展示室では、アーティストの2009年から2014年までの作品を回顧する展示会です。もう一つの展示室では、彼らの 「Rough and Ready Sideshow」 シリーズに、ヴァニラ画廊で近日公開される個展のために特別に作られた新しい二つの作品、「The Darklings」  と 「Miss Heady L’Amour」 が展示されます。

Ransom & Mitchell

The Darklings

"It Will Be Ours" by Ransom and Mitchell - Solo exhibition at Vanilla Gallery, Ginza, Tokyo, JapanOpening Reception:
Saturday, April 4, 2015 | 4-6PM

Exhibition Dates:
March 30, 2015 – April 11, 2015

Vanilla Gallery

Tosei Building B2F
8-10-7 Ginza Chuo-ku
Tokyo 104-0061 JAPAN

Hours of Operation:
Monday – Thursday: 12 – 7 PM
Friday: 12 – 8 PM
Saturday & Sunday:12 – 5 PM

500 Yen

"The Darklings" by Ransom and Mitchell - Solo art exhibition at Vanilla Gallery, Tokyo, Japan - Preview article by beautiful bizarre

Above is one of Ransom & Mitchell’s brand new works called “The Darklings”, featuring a glass domed conjoined skull, and reminiscent of a Dutch still life painting. Every item seen in this image has a symbolic meaning close to the artists’ hearts and can also be seen in another image they’ve produced. Look at them closely and see if you can identify the same items in their other works.

上に掲載された作品がランサムとミッチェルの新しい作品の一つ、「TheDarklings」 です。ドーム状のグラス、結合した二つの頭蓋骨はオランダの静物画を彷彿させます。作品の中にある全ての物にアーティストの心と象徴的な意味が含まれています。そして、この作品は他の作品の中でも見つけることができます。この作品の中にある一つ一つの物を注視してみてください。他の作品の中で同じ物を発見することができます。

Making "The Darklings" by Ransom and Mitchell - Solo art exhibition at Vanilla Gallery, Tokyo, Japan - Preview article by beautiful bizarre
Just like their other works, “The Darklings” is created by merging Jason Mitchell’s photographic works with Stacey Ransom’s digital art as well as her set and prop design. Would you have guessed that the glass bell jar seen in the image is actually Stacey Ransom’s photorealistic digital painting?

他の作品と同様、「The Darklings」 も ジェイソン・ミッチェルによって撮影、ステイシー・ランサムによるデジタルアート、大道具、小道具によって作られています。一見、写真のように思えますが、この鐘状のガラス瓶はデジタルペインティングを使ってステイシー・ランサムによって描かれました。

Miss Heady L'Amour by Ransom and Mitchell - exclusive preview by Beautiful Bizarre

Above is an exclusive preview of “Miss Heady L’Amour”, another one of Ransom & Mitchell’s work that is going to make its debut in Vanilla Gallery during their solo show.

上に掲載されているのは 「Miss Heady L’Amour」 の特別プレヴューです。これはランサム&ミッチェルのもう一つのヴァニラ画廊での個展デビュー作品です。

Making Miss Heady L'Amour - by Ransom and Mitchell for Vanilla Gallery, Tokyo, Japan

The “curiosity cabinets” are created by Stacey by compositing a myriad of antique Victorian era machines that Jason photographed at Musee Mecanique. She, then, enhanced the image composites with CGI and digital painting.

驚異の部屋は無数のヴィクトリア朝様式のアンティークな機械をジェイソンがMusee Mecaniqueにて撮影し、ステイシーによって合成、コンピュータグラフィックを使用してイメージの向上がなされました。

"The Day We Stopped" by Ransom and Mitchell for Sugarpuss Clothing - solo exhibition at Vanilla Gallery, Tokyo, JapanStacey and Jason will be in attendance at the artist reception at the gallery in April 4th from 4-6PM, and will be giving away 25 signed 13cm x 18cm prints of the image. Overseas flights permitting, they plan on coming over to the gallery on the evening of Friday, April 3rd, as soon as they checked-in to their hotel. If happen to be around the area, please come out and say hello.


Ransom and Mitchell’s Retrospective Exhibition
2009 – 2014

"Gilded Promises" by ransom & mitchell retrospective exhibition at vanilla gallery japan(Above) Gilded Promises, 2013

"My Head Is Where My Heart Was" - ransom & mitchell retrospective exhibition at vanilla gallery japan(Above) My Head Is Where My Heart Was, 2009

betrothed by ransom & mitchell retrospective exhibition at vanilla gallery japan(Above) Betrothed, 2009

The Last Kiss by Ransom & Mitchell - by Ransom & Mitchell - retrospective exhibition at Vanilla Gallery Japan (Above) The Last Kiss, 2012

ophelia by ransom & mitchell retrospective exhibition at vanilla gallery japan(Above) Ophelia II, 2011

Doktor by Ransom & Mitchell - retrospective exhibition at Vanilla Gallery Japan(Above) Doktor, 2013

"ruminate" by ransom & mitchell retrospective exhibition at vanilla gallery japan(Above) Ruminate, 2009

Rough and Ready Sideshow

Amazonia Strong by Ransom & Mitchell - retrospective exhibition at Vanilla Gallery Japan

Bonkers Black by Ransom & Mitchell - retrospective exhibition at Vanilla Gallery Japan

Doctor Huckleberry Schuxley by Ransom & Mitchell - retrospective exhibition at Vanilla Gallery Japan
Fiji Mermaid by Ransom & Mitchell - retrospective exhibition at Vanilla Gallery Japan

Jewels of Nile by Ransom & Mitchell - retrospective exhibition at Vanilla Gallery Japan

Miz Beardsley by Ransom & Mitchell - retrospective exhibition at Vanilla Gallery Japan

Shkiper and the Maneken by Ransom & Mitchell - retrospective exhibition at Vanilla Gallery Japan
Spidora Miz Beardsley by Ransom & Mitchell - retrospective exhibition at Vanilla Gallery Japan

The Pharaoh's Daughters by Ransom & Mitchell - retrospective exhibition at Vanilla Gallery Japan


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